My goal is to assist people through difficult times and help them heal, find serenity and happiness.
The focus is on the trinity of unconscious, emotions, and solutions (symptoms/behavior).
The process is always the same: finding out when and why, in order to keep you safe, your unconscious found that the best solution was to change your biology (symptom) or transform your behavior (negatively).

My Path
My main training is in the arts: art history, archeology, and visual arts but my natural curiosity pushed me to try many types of professions, in many countries with often very different people (I speak fluent English, Spanish, and French). In addition to a long and complete training, I believe that my creativity, curiosity, human experience, and my sincere empathy make me the therapist that I am.
The concept of cognitive therapy first came into my life, in the form of psycho-biotherapy thanks to a friend: Maite in 2012. She was being treated at the time for highly metastatic cancer and was receiving therapy with a psycho-biotherapist (and renowned surgeon) from Bogotá, in addition to high-level medical treatment in the United States. Intrigued by Maite's enthusiasm and being curious about this other approach to the disease (to satisfy my own fears), I went to meet her therapist. That was the beginning of the adventure. I was so impressed by the explanations and the fervor of this surgeon in favor of this new therapy that he found unique, that I did not waste a moment to begin my training.
I quickly opened my field of consciousness adjusting my view of the world, people, events, and, of course, myself. By discovering the world of cognitive therapy, I entered a totally new world that I find exhilarating. Following my first training in psycho bio therapy I added new techniques that give me ease; cognitive and behavioral therapies such as neurolinguistic programming, positive psychology, EMDR, Ericksonian hypnosis, among others.
Thanks to all these methods I am the first person I have helped to get better. I was depressed, hypochondriac, with a serious phobia of public speaking, symptomatizing by strong back pain, dental problems, etc... I do not guarantee success, since it also depends on your motivation, but I guarantee no side effects except much more serenity in your life.
I will receive you with kindness (online or presential), and listen to your needs in order to help you transform and live a high-quality life.
Expect a great adventure...
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